Configuring a Drop Tube

When editing a drop tube via the equipment editor in the 'Configure' window, the 'Edit Drop Tube' window gives you the following options. If you want to follow the full process for adding equipment to a structure, please see the following articles:

The window to edit a drop tube may vary slightly depending on the configuration options available for the chosen drop tube.

In some circumstances, the height, length or position of the drop tube may be required to be overridden to allow for certain arrangements. If this is the case, a call out will display in the 'Edit Drop Tube' window.

Drop Tube: Allows you to select which drop tube you want to use. This list is filtered to only include drop tubes compatible with the SPS you have selected.

Override Length: By ticking the checkbox you are able to override the calculated length to choose a length more suitable for your requirements from the drop down.

Override Height: Checking this box allows you to override the height of the bottom of the drop tube above HRL to a more suitable position for your requirements. This option will only display if the height can be overridden. Overriding the height without overriding the length, may affect the calculated length of the drop tube.

Override Position: Checking this box allows you to override the position at which the drop tube attaches to the SPS. These positions are represented as slots or holes at designated points along the length of the drop tube. Overriding the position without overriding the length, may affect the calculated length of the drop tube.

Offset Across: This defines the distance the drop tube is offset in the across track orientation. A negative value indicates the position of the drop tube is closer to the associated structure support than the default. 

Offset Along:  Defines the distance the drop tube is offset in the along track orientation.

'The attached Equipment requires this Drop Tube to be overridden.': This message will display to indicate that a piece of attached equipment requires the drop tube height and/or length to be defined by the user.

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