Configuring a Bracket

When adding or editing a bracket via the equipment editor in the 'Configure' window, the bracket window gives you the following options. If you want to follow the full process for adding equipment to a structure, please see the following articles: 

Bracket: Allows you to select which bracket you want to use. This list is filtered to only include brackets compatible with the mast, gantry, or drop tube to which you are attaching the bracket.

Location: Defines where on the parent item you would like to place the bracket. Some locations can be adjusted using the 'Height' or 'Distance' box, whilst some locations are limited. To learn more about bracket locations please see this article.

Rotation: Defines how the bracket is orientated on the parent item. The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.

Height/Distance: 'Height' shows when placing a bracket on a mast or drop tube, and allows you to adjust the height of the bracket above HRL, if your chosen location allows. 'Distance' shows when placing a bracket on a gantry, and allows you to adjust the distance of the bracket from the centre of mast, if your chosen location allows .

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