Creating a Portal

Follow the steps below to create a portal structure.

Step 1: Place two markers

Place two circles on opposite sides of the tracks to act as markers for the position of the two masts, at the location you would like to place the structure.

Step 2: Navigate to the 'Structures' section on the Lineardraft toolbar

Step 3: Click the Place' button

You may need to left click & hold on the 'Structures' button to reveal additional buttons.


Step 4: Click a marker

This should be one of the markers you placed in Step 1.

Step 5: Click another marker

This should be the other marker you placed in Step 1.

Step 6: Click the Left Rail

This should be the leftmost rail of the tracks you wish the portal to be associated with when looking in the direction of increasing chainage.

Step 7: Click the Right Rail

This should be the rightmost rail of the tracks you wish the portal to be associated with when looking in the direction of increasing chainage.

Step 8: Enter Structure Details

The following 'Create Structure' form will now appear. Complete the 'Structure Details' section with a name and the chainage that the structure should be located at. If required, enable the 'Secondary Chainage' field by ticking the checkbox and input a value.

Name: Identifier for the structure
Chainage: Chainage value that the structure should be placed at in kilometres
Secondary Chainage (optional): Additional chainage value, useful as a reference in projects which interface with additional chainage systems.

Step 9: Select Mast Styles

From the drop-down menus, select the Mast Styles (For Mast A and Mast B) you would like to allocate.

Step 10: Select Gantry and Foundation Styles

From the drop-down menus, select the Gantry Style and Foundation Styles (for Mast A and Mast B) you would like to allocate.

Step 11: Configure Masts

Adjust values for the Mast Length, Mast Bearing, and RECOS/REFOS for Mast A and Mast B.

LengthLength of the Mast in metres
BearingRotation of the Mast in degrees measured from North (0°)
RECOS: Distance from the centre of steel to the running edge of the closest rail in metres
REFOSDistance from the face of steel to the running edge of the closest rail in metres

Step 12: Configure Foundations

Without an adapter plate With an adapter plate

Adjust values for the Gap, ToF, Foundation Length and Foundation Bearing.

Gap: Spacing between the Top of Foundation and base of the Mast in metres.

ToF: Top of Foundation height above sea level in metres (By default this value will be set to the HRL).

Length: Length of the Foundation in metres.

Bearing: Rotation of the Foundation in degrees measured from North (0°).

Step 13: Configure Gantry

Adjust values for the Gantry Height and Gantry Length.

Height: Distance between the HRL and bottom of the Gantry in metres
Length: Distance between masts, from centre of mast to centre of mast, as shown below

Step 14: Click 'Confirm'

This will close the 'Create Structure' form.

Step 15: Confirm the structure has been placed correctly

You can now check that Lineardraft has placed a structure, which will be visible in both the 3D and Plan views.

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