Configuring SPS

When adding or editing SPS via the equipment editor in the 'Configure' window, the SPS window gives you the following options. If you want to follow the full process for adding equipment to a structure, please see the following articles: 

Depending on what you are attaching your SPS to, you may see slight differences in the configuration options in the 'Edit SPS' window, shown below.

SPS: Allows you to select which SPS you want to use. This list is filtered to only include SPS compatible with the steelwork to which you are attaching the SPS.

Location: Defines where on the parent item you would like to place the SPS. To learn more about SPS locations read this article.

Rotation: Defines how the SPS is orientated in relation to the parent item. The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.

Distance From Wire: The horizontal distance from the associated wire (see below).

Offset from Support: The horizontal distance from the mast (see below).

Height above HRL: The height of the SPS above the high rail level.

Rotation Angle: Rotation of the SPS around the along-track axis.

Z-Axis Rotation: Rotation of the SPS around the z-axis. 

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