Follow the steps below to create a new note in Lineardraft.
Please note: For notes to be visible in your model, you must have the relevant level turned on in your active view. This is defined in project settings. See more here.
Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Notes’ section on the Lineardraft toolbar
Step 2: Click on the 'New' button
This will bring up the ‘Select Structure’ prompt at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Select the structure you wish to make a note on
This will open the ‘Edit Note Entry’ window.
Step 4: Select a note type from the dropdown menu
You can choose between ‘Hazard’, ‘For Design’ or ‘For Construction’ depending on the purpose of the note.
Step 5: Type in the content of your note
Step 6: Click 'Confirm'
Your note is now active and associated with the desired structure, as shown in the image below.
Top tip: If you prefer the note to not be visible in your model, untick the ‘Show Graphics’ checkbox in the ‘Edit Note Entry’ window.